Accent Realtor’s Vision

Our company vision is to educate our clients and communicate in such a way that they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families. Along with staying well educated about the market, we use a system that we call OCR. OCR is an acronym of Options, Consequences and Recommendations. Making major decisions is very difficult for most people. Once money and emotions get added in the mix making a decision can be very overwhelming. OCR breaks decision making down into manageable parts.

The following are the steps we take for OCR:
1. Discuss all available options with our clients based on circumstance and their specific needs
2. Look at all consequences of each option or choices. (Generally there are no more than 3 options)
3. Give our recommendations based on our years of experience and the needs of our clients
4. Have client make the decision they feel most comfortable with and feel would be best for them and their families.
5. Support our client in their decision
If we have done our job correctly providing OCR we have found 99% of the time our clients make great decisions because they get education they need to focus on their needs. It is what we call a WIN-WIN.

Thank you,
Paul Wheeler

Paul Wheeler’s Vision Story

A Greater Purpose

As the owner of Accent Realtors, I would like to share a story about the creation of Accent Realtors.

My quest began when I was a young man, just 17.  I was frustrated and left home between my junior and senior years of high school looking for guidance, direction, mentors, and my life’s calling and passion.  I met many people, worked different jobs, and traveled to many places.  I learned many things but three things stood out to me.

The first thing I learned was that I wanted to be happy.  I found that the happiest people I encountered were people making a difference in the lives of others.  They were giving back and helping out.  They were focused on more than just their basic needs.   I wanted to be like that.   In my travels I had met a great deal of people in need of a helping hand.  Many of them were young people needing guidance and directions.   I decided that if I was very productive, invested my money well and saved 50% of everything I ever made in the first half of my life, I could start a charitable foundation.  Then I could spend my later years championing the education and guidance of young families and children to allow them to live the best lives possible.  I dreamed of donating millions of dollars to these causes.  I now had a vision.

The second thing I learned was that I needed to be educated and be an expert in whatever I did.  Experts were able to effect the most change.  Knowledge and the use of great knowledge will still change the world.  So I went to college, paying my own way.  I became a lifelong learner and still read 100 books per year.  My areas of focus were and still are being a better business owner, better husband, better father, and now I’m educating myself on charitable foundations.  I now had a plan.

The third thing I learned was that in order to accomplish these goals, I had to be a business owner.   Being a business owner allowed me the leverage to create something bigger than I could on my own.  If I and my team of experts served enough people exceptionally well, we would have the funds to create my vision of a charitable foundation.  I now had a passion.

I arrived in Tulsa, OK with $200 to my name and started on my life’s work.  I had 3 jobs within a week and had enrolled in college.  Luckily, I only needed four hours of sleep a night.  While still in college, majoring in business, I bought a few properties as a way to start creating wealth for the foundation.  I found that the buying process and later the selling process was less than desirable and had many flaws.  A light bulb came on and I thought “Aha, there must be a better way”.  One year later, Accent Realtors was born and became a vehicle for achieving our dream of the charitable foundation.  From there, I created the best, most productive experience possible for our clients with a team of talented, passionate people and a vision of a greater purpose. Our clients hire us because we are experts in real estate.  They also know that by doing business with us they are helping reach the vision to better our community and affect the lives of local families, children, and charities. Our clients get the best real estate team in town and get to be heroes for our community and those in need.

Thanks for letting me share.

Paul Wheeler

Why a Team?

The following video explains why Accent uses a Team approach to selling real estate. As a collaboration of expertise, the Accent Team has been the number one Team in Tulsa since 2004.

The Ins and Outs of Obama’s New Mortgage Refi Plan

On October 25, 2011 President Obama announced a plan to ease eligibility rules for home owners who want to refinance and take advantage of ultra-low mortgage rates to lower their mortgage payments. The administration hopes that by broadening its requirements for the Home Affordable Program that about 1 million home owners will now be able to qualify.

August Real Estate Statistics

Month’s Supply of Inventory (MSI) Decreases

The total housing inventory at the end of August 2011 decreased 10.8% to 7,661 existing homes available for sale. Over the last 12 months this area has had an average of 761 closed sales per month. This represents an unsold inventory index of 10.07 MSI for this period.

Average Sale Prices Going Up

According to the preliminary trends, this market area has experienced some upward momentum with the increase of Average Price this month. Prices went up 2.22% in August 2011 to $156,523 versus the previous year at $153,124.

Average Days on Market Lengthens – The average number of 62.31 days that homes spent on the market before selling increased by 6.02 days or 10.70% in August 2011 compared to last year’s same month at 56.28 DOM.

Sales Success for August 2011 is Positive

Overall, with Average Prices going up and Days on Market increasing, the Listed versus Closed Ratio finished strong this month.

There were 1,793 New Listings in August 2011, down 6.42% from last year at 1,916. Furthermore, there were 948 Closed Listings this month versus last year at 744, a 27.42% increase.

Closed versus Listed trends yielded a 52.9% ratio, up from last year’s August 2011 at 38.8% a 36.16% upswing. This will certainly create pressure on a decreasing Month’s Supply of Inventory (MSI) in the following months to come.

*Statistics provided by the Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors

Increasing Your Credit Score Saves You Money

These quick tips will help increase your overall credit score.

First, never cancel a credit card that is more than two years old. Having a “seasoned” account – one that is more than two years old is a big plus for you. Next, consider increasing your maximum allowable credit limit. In other words, if you have a credit card that is close to its maximum balance, call the credit card company and ask them to increase the credit limit. The credit bureaus don’t like to see maxed out credit. Tell them you would like them to do this without pulling your credit. You should also spread out your balances among your cards. trying to keep the ratio between card balances and credit limit to 30% or less.

If you are considering buying a new home or refinancing, see if you need to do some work to get your credit score up to highest possible points. Since lower scores mean higher interest rates, even a few lost points on your credit score could cost you tens of thousands of dollars in additional interest payments.

One of our preferred reputable lenders can help you review your current credit situation.  Don’t hesitate, improve the your credit score and to save hard earned money.

Special Fannie Mae HomePath Buyer INcentive Offer

There’s great news from Fannie Mae: Buyers may be eligible to receive up to 3.5% in closing cost assistance through October 31, 2011 as part of the HomePath buyer incentive.

To be eligible for this incentive, the following qualifications must be met:

  1. Buyers and/or selling agents must request the incentive upon submission of the initial offer in order to be eligible.
  2. The initial offer must be submitted on or after June 14, 2011 and close by October 31, 2011. If an initial offer was made prior to the effective date, the offer is not eligible for the incentive.
  3. The sale must close on or before October 31, 2011. No exceptions will be made to this deadline.
  4. Only buyers purchasing a HomePath property as their primary residence may receive up to 3.5% in closing cost assistance. Second homes and investment properties are excluded from the incentive.
  5. Buyers must sign an Owner Occupant Certification Rider to the real estate purchase addendum.
  6. If the buyer’s total closing costs are under 3.5%, the difference will not be available as a credit to the buyer.

Dont hesitate – offers submitted after September 15, 2011 may be difficult to close by the October 31, 2011 deadline. 

Contact us for specific details on this incentive offer and for all of your Fannie Mae HomePath financing questions.