Indian Home Loan Guarantee Section 184

Section 184 is a mortgage product specifically for American Indian and Alaska Native families, tribes, Alaska Villages or tribally designated housing entities. Congress established this program in 1992 to facilitate homeownership in Native American communities.

Borrowers can purchase a home with a low down payment, no monthly mortgage insurance and flexible underwriting.

  • 2.25% down payment requirement for loans over $50,000;
  • 1.25% downpayment requirement for loan under $50,000;
  • No monthly mortgage insurance
  • A one-time, 1% loan guarantee fee that can be added to your financed loan
  • HUD underwriters and Loan Guarantee Specialists are familiar with the unique issues and circumstances that Native Americans face when trying to obtain a mortgage in Indian Country.

The Section 184 Loan Provides Numerous Options

  • Purchase of an existing home
  • Construction of a home (stick-built or a manufactured home on a permanent foundation)
  • Rehab loans
  • Purchase and rehab
  • Refinancing (Rate and Term, Streamline, Cash Out)

Getting Started

To qualify for a home loan, it’s recommended (but it’s not mandatory) that applicants first find out if there are homebuyer education classes available through their tribe, housing department and/or in their community.  Homebuyer classes prepare you for the home buying process, so that when you meet with a lender you’ll have a better understanding of what it takes to qualify for a home loan.  To apply for a 184 loan, you must contact a HUD-Approved Section 184 lender.

Call us today 665-8559 and let us help you navigate these waters!

In Need Of A Financial Lifeline?

One way to avoid foreclosure, saving damage to a homeowner’s credit, is a short sale. Paul Wheeler is a Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) and is uniquely qualified to help those interested in a short sale to avoid foreclosure. Visit the site below to learn more and see how Paul and his experienced team can help. Learn more and contact us today!

From “Blah” To “Wow”! (Part 2)

Last week was about how to get your kitchen ready before the open house; this week, we will talk about the second most important room in your house: the bathroom.

This is a list of some tips you will need:

• Carpets, mats and toilet seat need to go. They simply don’t look clean and they are sometimes responsible for bad smells.

• “Let the sunshine in”. If there is a window in your bathroom, you need to pull up the blinds or shades and if you have any privacy issue, you might want to frost the glass with a film or with a can of paint.

• Tile and grout MUST be spotless; so clean, clean and clean again! If the grout is old, it might be discolored in some places. No need to worry, I have a quick fix for that! Go to your hardware store and ask for a “grout pen”, this thing is magic! But remember, it’s just for touch ups; if you need to re-grout everything, do it. It will pay off in the end.

Buyers are looking for a spa-like bathroom, the kind of bathroom where they will be able to relax after a long day at work.

• Accessorizing is the key to a well-staged bathroom:

  1. Buy a couple of fresh fluffy bath and hand towels.
  2. A candle or two displayed on the shelves, tub or vanity will create a relaxing atmosphere.
  3. You need a clean shower curtain, but try not to get anything too overwhelming for the space. A nice neutral with a simple pattern will do the job.

• Also, clear out the clutter; it will distract buyers. Again, less is more in this case; especially in one of the smallest spaces in the house.

And for the last touch, add freshly-cut, colorful flowers in a simple glass vase and Voilà, your bathroom is ready to impress potential buyers!

Staging tips of the week:
If you have a mirror without a frame in your bathroom, don’t replace it. Just work with it. Did you know that you could buy molding at the hardware store and ask them to cut it to size? Then, apply some heavy duty glue and you got yourself a custom-framed mirror for a fraction of the cost!

Good luck!
Virginie Gill, Certified Staging Expert
Owner of Voila Design

Real Estate News

CNN is saying the housing market could get a lot worse because of another wave of foreclosures set to hit the Tulsa real estate market. An avalanche of subprime mortgages are set to hit the market in the next 18 to 24 months.

As these mortgages reset to a higher interest rate along with higher unemployment, it is likely to cause a surge in mortgages going to default. Currently in the U.S., one in ten homes is either in foreclosure or behind in payments. The new numbers could be even more staggering.

Economists warn this could cause housing prices to decline up to 20% more before the market rebounds. Currently losses from the housing bust totaled $3.6 trillion at the end of 2008. Lawrence Yun the chief economist with the National Association of Realtors® estimates losses will likely approach $5 trillion by the time the crisis ends.

If you are facing a financial hardship with either decreased income, higher expenses or job loss, call me. Foreclosure doesn’t have to be your only option. I recently became a Certified Distressed Property Expert, or CDPE, and can help you or anyone you know avoid foreclosure by using a short sale. We can negotiate with the lender to take a reduced payment, pay our commissions, and avoid the damage of a on your credit score.

I know the Tulsa Real Estate market and job markets are tough out there. Let us help you or your friends if they are struggling.