Here’s How Shopping Small Can Earn You Big Profits

Key Takeaways:

  • When it comes to selling your home, supporting local businesses is one of the most profitable decisions you can make.
  • Local businesses love to give back to their communities, which can increase your home’s value over time.
  • We’ve worked with the most reputable businesses around—contact us today, and we’ll pass along our professional recommendations!

Use Local Businesses as Your Home-Selling Sidekicks

When it comes to selling your home, supporting local businesses can be one of the most profitable decisions you make. Instead of calling upon big-name chains, you can utilize homegrown service providers to save money and make sure the job gets done right. Investing in local businesses has been proven to increase a community’s real estate values—besides, there’s no better return on your investment than a genuine “thank you” from a neighbor!

For every $100 spent at small businesses, this much stays in the community…

Local service provider

Small businesses tend to reinvest in their local economies more than chains do, which is great news for homeowners and potential sellers. Plus, small business owners typically work, play, and live in the same communities as their storefronts—so they care more about seeing their hometowns thrive.

The Business Alliance for Local Living Economies found that communities with successful small businesses see property values increase by 50 percent on average. And with home prices appreciating, neighborhoods can benefit from attracting new business investments to spark economic growth. According to research done by The Alliance, $68 stays in the community for every $100 spent at local businesses.

Shopping small provides hyper-local services

Working at the office

Think of shopping local like a community-wide networking event—you strengthen your connections by spreading the word about your positive experiences at businesses in the area. And if you want to know the best providers around, you can just ask your real estate agent. Your local agent doubles as your go-to reference for the most reputable nearby businesses.

Selling your home is a hyper-local experience, one in which you can benefit from partnering with the most convenient local business of them all: your real estate agent. As a small business ourselves, we understand the importance of supporting local and giving back to the community, which is why we only recommend our best business partners to our clients.

Here’s why hiring local service providers is the strategic choice

Laying sod

When you decide to list your property, there’s most likely going to be some projects that need to be completed—things like renovations and repairs, staging for showings, and general maintenance should all be at the top of your to-do list. Hiring homegrown service providers is the strategic choice when it comes to selling your home. Not only will you be guaranteed great service, but you may even receive discounted rates. When real estate agents repeatedly refer their clients to local businesses, companies sometimes provide lower rates in return.

Invest in small businesses to increase your home value

Florist preparing a bouquet

Wondering which local businesses you should take advantage of when listing your home? Hire a landscaper to spruce up your curb appeal, use a local painter to incorporate a more neutral color palette, or contact a local handyman for repairs. Want to get the inside of your home showing-ready? Your agent can recommend a top-notch florist for a bouquet of local blooms. That’s the thing about shopping small—the owners have local expertise and will go the extra mile to make sure their clients are happy!

Want to Increase Your Home Value?

It’s simple—when you invest in local businesses, those companies turn back around and invest in your community, which increases your home value! It’s hard to fully understand the positive impact of shopping local, but it becomes easier when you see your property value rise over time.

We’ve worked with the best businesses in our community, and we know they would love to play a part in your real estate dreams. Just tell us what services you need, and we’ll send our professional recommendations your way!

Signed Contracts for US Homes Increase, Report Shows.

In the latest sign that the U.S. real estate market is improving, more Americans signed contracts to purchase homes in February than in nearly a year.

The National Association of Realtors released the data, which showed that the seasonally adjusted pending home sales index increased 3.1 percent to 106.9 in February.

That’s the highest it’s been since June 2013!

If you’re preparing to list your home anytime soon on the local housing market, we encourage you to continue reading to learn more about this trend!

US Home Sales Are On the Rise!

Here are some additional highlights from the recent National Association of Realtors report:

  • Buying activity increased in the Midwest and West during the month of February, although it actually decreased slightly in the Northeast and South.
  • Existing homes sold at an annual pace of 4.88 million in February, which is slightly below last year’s levels.
  • The supply of homes was just 4.6 months, compared to five months a year ago. It should be noted that a six month inventory is considered a balanced market.
  • Average 30-year fixed rates were 3.69 percent last week, according to the mortgage giant Freddie Mac. That was down from a 52-week high of 4.41 percent recently.
  • Home prices have increased 17 percent since the middle of 2012, which is when the market bottomed out.
  • Analysts are particularly encouraged by the recent gains because it means that the housing market was able to overcome such unforeseen and uncontrollable hurdles like freezing weather and a particularly harsh winter.

Experts say that the upturn suggests that the spring home buying season will be robust.

They added that home sales are likely to be further supported since the unemployment rate is down to 5.5 percent.

In fact, the unemployment rate is down to its lowest level in nearly seven years!  And employers have added 3.3 million jobs during the last year, including 295,000 jobs in February.

All of this is giving would-be home buyers more buying power as well as consumer confidence. This, in turn, is leading more to enter the national housing market in search of their dream home.

We’re Your #1 Real Estate Resource!

We hope you found the above information insightful as a prospective home seller.

As you can see, it really is a great time to list your property on the market.  After all, there’s plenty of pent-up home buyer demand and home sales activity appears to be picking up.

Please check back here soon for more valuable insight on that national housing market and how it may impact you.  We’d be happy to offer our expert insight in order to help you enjoy a successful outcome as a home seller!

Paul Wheeler at Breakthrough 2013

We, at Accent Realtors, would like to extend a huge thanks to Cadey and Alex Charfen for having us at Breakthrough 2013! We all had an amazing time and are so grateful for the opportunity. Paul had a wonderful time speaking at the conference; it was such an honor to be there. We hope to be at next year’s Breakthrough! Check out this video from Alex and Cadey Charfen:


A lot of people ask me how to make their days more productive. We all have the same 24 hours in everyday, and how we use it is critical to our success. One of the best things I have learned about productivity is that if we are working in our areas of talent, we can be much more productive.

I try to spend 80% or more of my day in things I excel in. The benefit of this is that you generally really enjoy those activities as well. So, find out what your strengths are. There are too many personality assessments out there to count but most will pinpoint the type of work you will be most effective in. They will tell you whether you will be good with detail work or strategic planning or face to face with clients selling your services. They are wonderful resources to get you started in the right direction.

Another way to increase productivity is to be very intentional about your daily accomplishments. Each morning, spend time doing planning and in solitude. During this time you want to evaluate your day, your business, and your successes.

One of the most effective strategies I have in being productive is that I get up before everyone else does. I usually wake up between 4:00 and 5:00 in the morning. I have found it gives me a head start on the day and my brain is very creative at that time of day. I am able to learn more and find better solutions for my life. My daily ritual is to get up and make coffee and then head to the home gym to exercise for an hour. During that time I listen to audio books on my iPhone at 3 times the normal speed. This way I can listen to two to three books a week and continually improve my knowledge base. I have found that education will solve any challenge you might be having in your life. It doesn’t matter if it is business related, marriage related or even challenges you might be having with your children. I also do my daily planning and solitude during that time and answer the questions that keep me focused on the highest priorities for the day.

Questions I recommend are as follows:

How did I fill my cup yesterday?

Right now I feel? Why?

What is the one thing I want to do today? What is my intention?

What could I do today to change the course of my business?

What task is so urgent that it would damage my business if it were not accomplished today?

Which processes in my business could be improved?

How can I improve these processes?

What friction points exist today?

Are the friction points different than yesterday?

Lately I have learned…

5 things I am grateful for today…

I am joyfully anticipating…

Last but not least, structure your day in blocks of time, so that you are always focused and intentional in your activities vs. multi tasking and putting out fires. If you can block time to make calls or to do your appointments, you will accomplish so much more in your day. Hope this helps and don’t hesitate to call or email if you any questions.

Paul Wheeler

Tulsa Real Estate