What the Latest NAR Settlement Means for You

The recent settlement in the National Association of Realtors (NAR) case has sparked widespread discussion and, unfortunately, some misconceptions. Despite what the headlines may suggest, the NAR settlement is not about diminishing the value that real estate professionals provide. Instead, it’s an opportunity to enhance transparency, flexibility, and ultimately, the consumer experience in real estate transactions.  It is a chance to show consumers how we, as dedicated agents, play a crucial role in this new era of real estate.

To read more about the settlement, please visit the NAR Lawsuit in Tulsa page on the Accent Realtors website,  or the NAR Settlement Overview on the National Association of Realtors website.

The Reality of Broker Fees

The settlement does not mandate changes in broker compensation. It rather ensures that real estate fees remain as they have always been – negotiable and diverse. As a buyer or seller, this translates to a variety of choices in service levels and pricing. It provides the flexibility to find options that align with your financial plans and needs.

clients and realtor discussing NAR settlement on ipad

The NAR Settlement Clarifies Agent Compensation

Addressing a common misconception, the NAR settlement does not disrupt the seller’s established role in compensating the buyer’s agent. Indeed, as a seller, you retain the discretion to decide on this aspect. This element of the settlement enhances the existing flexibility, as a matter of fact. It empowers sellers to make strategic decisions that align with their unique goals.

man and woman reviewing documents with realtor

Enhancing Market Dynamics

While the NAR settlement won’t revolutionize housing affordability overnight, it does bring to light the intricate dynamics of real estate pricing. With or without changes in commission structures, our role as agents is to navigate these dynamics to your advantage. Whether you’re buying or selling, we’re here to ensure you understand the market forces at play, helping you make informed decisions that align with your financial and lifestyle goals.

happy couple shaking hands with realtor

The True Value of Real Estate Professionals

Amid discussions of financial restitution and industry practices, it’s essential to remember the value that experienced real estate professionals bring to your journey. Beyond transactions, we are advisors, negotiators, and advocates who strive to make your real estate dreams a reality. The NAR settlement reaffirms our dedication to serving you with integrity, professionalism, and also a deep commitment to achieving your goals.

happy homeowners celebrating real estate transaction after NAR settlement changes to the process

Embracing the Future of Real Estate After the NAR Settlement

The NAR settlement marks a step toward a more transparent and adaptable real estate landscape. Meanwhile, for consumers and agents alike, this is a moment to embrace positive change. As your trusted agents, we’re excited about the opportunities this new landscape presents. Together, we can navigate the changes, leveraging our expertise and commitment to ensure a seamless, rewarding real estate experience for every client.

In this evolving journey, our promise to you remains unchanged: to provide guidance, support, and unwavering dedication, ensuring your real estate decisions are informed, strategic, and successful. Staying informed and understanding these developments is crucial, especially if you’re entering the market. The real estate industry continues to be dynamic and full of opportunities. If you have questions about how the settlement affects you, our team is here to guide and support you. We’re committed to ensuring a positive and seamless real estate experience, helping you realize your dreams and achieve your goals with confidence and excitement.

Home Equity: Maximize Your Home Sale

Home Equity: Key Points

  • Understanding your equity can be a game-changer when deciding to sell your home, especially in today’s market of high mortgage rates.
  • Nearly 70% of homeowners have significant equity, making it an opportune time to consider selling.
  • Our expert real estate team is here to guide you through the process, offering free assessments and answering any questions you may have.

What is Home Equity and Why Does It Matter?

couple standing in the kitchen chatting

Equity is more than just a financial and real estate term; it’s your ticket to new opportunities. In simple terms, equity is the difference between your home’s current market value and the remaining balance on your mortgage. But why should you care? Well, with today’s real estate market, understanding your home equity can be a game-changer when you decide to move.

The Equity Boom: A Silver Lining in Today’s Market

couple waving at laptop on virtual meeting

You’re not alone if you’re hesitant to sell your home due to high mortgage rates. However, there’s good news. According to data from ATTOM and the Census, nearly 68.7% of homeowners have either paid off their mortgages or have at least 50% equity in their homes. That’s right—almost 70% of homeowners are sitting on a goldmine!

How Understanding Your Equity Can Ease the Selling Process

couple moving packing boxes

Knowing your home equity can remove a lot of the uncertainty around selling your home. With significant amounts, you’ll have more flexibility in choosing your next home, negotiating deals, and even covering moving expenses. And the best part? Our expert real estate team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Leveraging Equity: Your Hidden Asset

handing over house keyes

Understanding all the savings you’ve put into your home isn’t just about knowing numbers; it’s about leveraging this asset to your advantage. With our expertise, we can help you strategize on how to use your equity for a down payment on a new home, or even as a financial cushion for future investments. It’s not just about selling your home; it’s about planning your financial future.

Take the Next Step: Unlock Your Home Equity Today

Ready to unlock the potential of your home equity? Don’t navigate this journey alone. Contact our expert real estate team today for a free assessment or with any questions you may have. Your future home awaits!

Real Estate’s Best-Kept Secret: Selling in the Back-to-School Window

Key Facts:

  • Prime Opportunity: The back-to-school season is a hidden gem in the real estate calendar.
  • Diverse Buyer Pool: Attract both families and individual buyers looking for prime properties.
  • Market Advantage: Experience less competition and spotlight your property.

Wondering when to finally put up that “For Sale” sign? We’re about to share a secret. While spring and summer often get the real estate glory, the back-to-school season is a hidden gem in the real estate calendar, brimming with untapped potential. Your perfect moment is right here, right now.

A Market Awaits YOU!

woman searching homes on phone

Imagine a marketplace where your property isn’t drowned in a sea of listings but stands out, receiving the admiration and attention it deserves. That’s the distinct edge the back-to-school season offers. With fewer properties on the block, your home shines brightly, attracting families seeking community convenience and individuals or couples eager for a fresh neighborhood vibe.

A Surge of Eager Back-to-School Buyers

man moving boxes for family

The onset of the school year ignites a rush of enthusiasm among potential buyers. Families are in pursuit of that perfect home to establish roots quickly to settle into the school year and its many related activities. Simultaneously, those without school concerns also feel the tick of the clock. With the holiday season just around the bend, they too seek to settle down, ensuring they’re comfortably positioned before festivities commence. This urgency often translates into faster decision-making, and in some cases, a willingness to stretch their budget for the right home.

An Atmosphere to Woo Buyers

light coming into room

As the season transitions, there’s an inherent charm in the air. Boosting your home’s curb appeal during this time isn’t solely about aesthetics; it’s about crafting a dream. Your home’s ambiance is poised to resonate deeply with those seeking their next cherished space.

Seamless Showings

happy buyers receiving keys before back-to-school season

The rhythm of life subtly changes as the back-to-school season rolls in. This translates to predictably flexible timings for house showings. From eager weekend property seekers to twilight home explorers, a spectrum of potential buyers is ready to engage.

Embrace the Opportunity

The back-to-school window is your unique real estate sweet spot. With its mix of diverse buyers, atmospheric allure, and a standout marketplace position, seizing this moment could be a pivotal, rewarding decision.

If you’ve been hesitating, it’s time to step forward with confidence! We’re right beside you, championing your journey and ready to provide a seamless, stress-free experience.

Moving after school lets out for the summer is the best time to Move with Kids.

Mastering the Market: Why Our Team is Your Advantage in Real Estate

Key Facts:

  • We’re a dedicated team of real estate professionals with extensive knowledge of the local market.
  • We use sophisticated market analysis to make informed decisions and guide you effectively.
  • Our experience allows us to confidently navigate complex markets, ensuring you achieve your real estate goals.

Introduction to Our Team

Handshake with agent

Navigating the real estate market requires expertise and a steady hand. Whether you’re buying or selling a home, our experienced real estate team can guide you through each step of the process, ensuring a seamless and successful journey.

Proficiency in the Local Market

Every real estate market has its unique characteristics and trends. Our team is deeply immersed in the local market, giving us an intimate understanding of its ebbs and flows. We focus on the granular details that set your property or potential new home apart, equipping us to provide insightful advice that perfectly aligns with your real estate goals.

Custom Solutions for Unique Market Conditions

The real estate landscape is ever-changing, and that’s why a one-size-fits-all strategy just doesn’t cut it. Every area, every market, every circumstance is unique, and deserves a unique approach. Our expertise lies in identifying these unique conditions and creating a tailored strategy that works for you. Whether you’re buying or selling, our team can help you time your real estate decisions in a way that aligns with your personal circumstances and market conditions.

Empowering You Through Our Team Expertise

Real estate transactions are often the most significant financial decisions you’ll make. In a complex market, the reassurance and guidance of a real estate team are not just beneficial—they’re empowering. Our extensive experience, coupled with our consistent success, guarantees that we can manage any situation or market condition with confidence and finesse.

In conclusion, we’re more than just a real estate team—we’re your committed partners in this journey. We stand ready to help you understand the market’s intricacies, devise custom strategies based on your unique situation, and most importantly, fulfill your real estate ambitions. Contact us today, and together, let’s navigate this market and make the most of its opportunities.

Learn about our team here.

Unveiling the Best Timeline to Buy or Sell Your Home

Key Facts:

  • Personal circumstances such as rising rent, divorce, downsizing, or relocation often trigger the need to buy or sell a home.
  • A dedicated real estate team offers personalized guidance based on local trends and personal situations, making the buying or selling process more manageable.
  • Every real estate journey is unique, shaped by your dreams, your timeline, and your local market.

As each season unfolds, the narrative of the real estate market changes, stirring homeowners and buyers to contemplate: Is this the best time to buy or sell a house? While national news can paint a broad picture, the reality is often more nuanced and personal. Whether you’re dealing with rising rent costs, going through a divorce, needing to downsize, or facing a job relocation, your individual circumstances significantly influence your real estate decisions. Our expert real estate team is here to guide you through these personal and local considerations. Let’s dive deeper.

For Homeowners

family moving in

Selling a home is more than a financial transaction; it’s a significant life event. It may be triggered by various circumstances – a growing family needing more space, a newly empty nest prompting a downsize, a job change requiring relocation, or a shift in your personal life like divorce. Timing it right is essential.

We’re here to offer personalized, data-driven advice tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. Our deep understanding of local trends and conditions empowers us to help you make informed decisions. Our goal is to help you sell your home at the right time for the maximum possible return, whatever your circumstances may be.

Reaching out to us allows you to:

  • Leverage our in-depth understanding of the local market
  • Obtain a professional, accurate valuation of your home
  • Get strategic advice on when and how to list your property for optimal results

For Buyers (First-Time and Seasoned Alike)

girl calculating mortgage rate

Whether you’re moving from renting to owning due to increasing rental costs, or you’re a seasoned home buyer looking for a change, the process of buying a home can seem daunting.

Our mission is to transform this journey into a seamless and enjoyable experience. We believe that the “right” time to buy a home is not a one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, it’s influenced by your financial readiness, personal circumstances, and local market conditions.

By choosing to work with us, you will:

  • Gain a clear understanding of the local real estate market, personalized to your timeline
  • Receive assistance in determining what you can afford, identifying areas that align with your lifestyle and budget
  • Be empowered to make decisions that cater to your specific homeownership goals

Embracing Your Unique Journey

handshake after house sold

Every homeowner, every buyer, every property, and every local market is unique, as are the personal circumstances that lead you to buy or sell a home. Our commitment as your trusted real estate team is to navigate these unique factors together with you. We strive to understand your goals and dreams deeply, and help you make the most informed decision on when to buy or sell a home.

Don’t let national averages or headlines determine your real estate decisions. Reach out to us today to discuss your specific circumstances, and let’s start your unique real estate journey together.

Your dreams, your timeline, your local market – these are the elements that should dictate your real estate choices. We’re here to make sure that they do.

Every buyer’s and seller’s timeline starts with the local real estate conditions.

Embracing the Power of Homeownership: Celebrating National Homeownership Month

National Homeownership Month is here, and it’s a perfect time to celebrate the many joys and rewards of owning a home. As your dependable real estate team, we’re here to champion this significant month with you, providing the necessary guidance to make your homeownership journey a delightful experience.

In this blog, we discuss:

  • The benefits of knowing the value of your current home.
  • A roadmap for those aspiring to become homeowners.
  • Our commitment as a real estate team to make your journey to homeownership enjoyable and successful.

Homeowners: Unleashing the Power of Your Home

happy old couple on laptop

Know Your Home’s Value

As a homeowner, you form the backbone of our communities. Your home isn’t just a building – it’s the place where memories are made, lives are lived, and dreams are nurtured. During National Homeownership Month, we honor your contribution to the vitality of our neighborhoods.

Understanding your home’s worth offers several advantages:

  • Enables informed decisions on refinancing, home equity loans, or potential selling.
  • Helps you build a robust financial strategy around your most valuable asset.
  • Allows you to monitor and capitalize on market trends effectively.

As a dedicated real estate team, we offer complimentary home valuations. Reach out to us today to schedule your free home valuation and unlock your home’s potential.

Aspiring Homeowners: Make Your Homeownership Dreams a Reality

couple shaking hands with real estate agent

Your Dream, Our Commitment

If you’re looking to own a home, National Homeownership Month is an excellent opportunity to take your first steps towards this rewarding goal. Owning a home isn’t an exclusive privilege, it’s an achievable aspiration, thanks to numerous accessible programs for first-time homebuyers.

Embarking on the homeownership path can be an exciting adventure, especially with the right guidance. Here’s how our real estate team will guide you:

  • We’ll help you understand the range of financial options available, such as FHA loans, VA loans, and local down payment assistance programs.
  • Our experienced team will accompany you through each step of the process to help you find the perfect new home.

We believe everyone deserves to relish the happiness of homeownership. Contact us today to turn your dream into a reality.

small happy family moved in

In conclusion, as we observe National Homeownership Month, let’s remember that a home represents more than a physical structure. It’s a sanctuary of peace, a symbol of pride, and an essential element of our communities. Whether you already own a home or are looking forward to becoming a homeowner, we’re here to help you relish every moment of this rewarding journey. Happy National Homeownership Month!

On your journey towards homeownership, avoid these nine common pitfalls!

The Silver Lining for Homebuyers in the Wake of Bank Collapses

How recent financial events could lead to significant savings on your dream home

In the ever-changing world of finance and real estate, sometimes the unexpected can lead to new opportunities. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and other regional banks might seem like bad news, but it could present an opportunity. Let’s delve into the backstory and explore how these events can benefit homebuyers.

A Brief Backstory

bank building

In 2020 and 2021, banks saw a flood of new deposits as a result of stimulus money and increased savings during the pandemic. At the time, banks invested in low-interest treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities, locking in 1-2% returns. Fast forward to today, and the Federal Reserve has significantly raised interest rates, making those previous investments far less attractive. This series of events has contributed to the banks’ downfall.

The Silver Lining for Homebuyers

calculating home value

The collapse of these banks and the subsequent rapid drop in interest rates have led to a decrease in mortgage rates. Mortgage rates typically align with the 10-year treasury.

Seizing the Opportunity

international bills and coins

If you or someone you know has been considering purchasing a home, this recent turn of events could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Here are a few steps you can take to make the most of these favorable financial conditions:

  1. Get pre-approved for a mortgage: With lower interest rates available, now is the time to secure your mortgage pre-approval. Lock in these favorable rates!
  2. Start your home search: Begin exploring potential homes and neighborhoods that fit your criteria. Consider working with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can guide you through the process. Let us help you make the most of this opportunity.

Navigating the Current Market

house key

The recent collapse of banks might seem like a cause for concern, but it has opened up a window of opportunity. Homebuyers might secure their dream home at a potentially lower cost. By acting quickly and working with knowledgeable professionals, you can take advantage of this rare chance to save on your mortgage. Make your dream of homeownership a reality.

If you have any questions or need assistance navigating these unique market conditions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

Learn how to maximize the equity of your home.

Homebuying Tips for the Spring Real Estate Market

The spring real estate market looks different for homebuyers in 2023 than in previous years. With recent changes to interest rates, available inventory, home prices, and a lot more, it’s essential to work with your trusted local real estate team to get prepared! The spring real estate market is full of opportunity and potential, making it the ideal time to purchase a home. If you’re looking to buy a home this season, here are some tips on what steps to take.

Key Takeaways:

  • Get your best mortgage rate with a better credit score
  • When you find a property you love, make an offer
  • Don’t wait—contact us and start planning your move today!

Improve your credit score for a better mortgage rate

Photo of cheerful loving young couple using laptop and analyzing their spring finances with documents.

The first step in buying a home is getting pre-approved for a mortgage loan. This involves submitting information like credit score and payment history to potential lenders so they can determine whether or not you’re eligible for a loan. In order to get the best mortgage rate possible, it’s important that your credit scores are up-to-date. Improving your credit scores may involve paying off any existing debts or disputing any errors that may be present on your credit report. Keep your debt-to-income ratio low by avoiding taking on new debts while trying to get pre-approved.

Utilize our online tools to find the right home for you

Happy mature older family couple laughing, bonding sitting at home table with laptop.

Technology has made it easier for potential buyers to find their new dream homes without stepping outside their current homes! Our free and easy-to-use tools  allow you to view properties from all angles and calculate estimated monthly payments to plan before making an offer. Our advanced property search, instant listing alerts, virtual tours, and mortgage calculators save you time. We give you an idea of what to expect when viewing a property in person or speaking with lenders about loan options.

Work with the right agent—starting today!

Real estate agent near door inviting young couple to enter house for visit

Finding the right professional help is key when it comes to navigating through the homebuying process. Work with our knowledgeable team because we know both the local market and the national trends. We’re here to help make finding your dream home much easier, as well as helping you avoid common pitfalls associated with purchasing property. Finding a reliable lender offering competitive rates will ensure you get the best deal possible on your mortgage loan, so make sure to speak with our team as you start the pre-approval process to get our insights into the best lenders for your goals. Start searching homes for sale now, so you have plenty of time before closing day rolls around!

Pounce on Desired Properties Immediately in the Fast-Moving Spring Market

Happy father with daughter standing near open balcony and smiling at spring landscape

Once you find your dream home, don’t hesitate—act quickly! Finding the exact home you’re looking for doesn’t happen every day, so make sure that you take advantage of this opportunity by putting in an offer as soon as possible after viewing it in person or online via virtual tours. Before you contact the home seller, contact our team first! We’ll get you access to the latest neighborhood sold reports and other market data to help you determine the best offer for that dream property. And, our team brings expert negotiation tactics to the table, plus smart advice to avoid common pitfalls like overbidding or offering too little money initially.

Don’t Wait Until Spring is Gone—Start Buying Now!

Ready to buy your next home during the spring real estate season? Start by improving your credit score, using our online tools and market data, and building a strategy we can execute quickly when the right home comes up for sale. With these tips, you can maximize your chances of success during this season’s real estate market. So if you’re ready to start looking for your dream home, contact us today to get started!

Boost your curb appeal to sell this spring.

Get Ready for a Busy Spring 2023 Real Estate Market

Key Takeaways:

  • The spring real estate market is going to be busy
  • Lower mortgage rates mean increased competition
  • Get ready to succeed this spring—contact us today!

The spring real estate market starts to shake things up after the quieter winter season, and this year is no exception. With mortgage rates cooling off from last year’s highs, the spring 2023 real estate market indicates that there will be plenty of homebuying and selling activity—and it’s starting early. So let’s take a look at what you can expect and how you can work with our team to help you find success and get into your next home.

Mortgage rates are trending lower

Open door with key to home

The good news for homeowners and potential homebuyers is that mortgage rates have reached their highest point and are now heading south toward a more comfortable rate. According to Forbes, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) anticipates that the 30-year mortgage rate will be near 5.2% by the end of 2023, over one percentage point lower than their current level.

The decrease in rates comes as NAR’s Senior Economist Nadia Evangelou indicates that inflation should continue to subside, which would result in mortgage rates dropping even further. An expected reduction of this magnitude could save those with mortgages or looking to buy considerable amounts of money over time, making it an exciting opportunity for those in the market for new housing.

Expect an increase in homebuying activity during Spring

Family buying new house

With mortgage rates decreasing, the National Association of Home Builders expects increased demand and more buyers returning to the market. Plus, more inventory on the market could further encourage potential buyers. Open houses are seeing more interest, with multiple bids surfacing after a prolonged lull. These are encouraging signs, indicating that an influx of new properties on the market could spark increased enthusiasm among eager homebuyers who’ve been waiting on the sidelines for some time now.

Once those buyers enter the market, they will attract new sellers and fill out the housing inventory available on the market. (Tight inventory was one of the defining issues of last year’s housing market, but there will be more to choose from this year during a busy spring season.) And, once those sellers turn around and buy, you’ll see the fast-paced, exciting spring real estate market we all know and love is in full bloom.

Look for deals on new construction homes

Two business man professional engineer worker at the house building, happy feeling.

America’s homebuilders are showing positive signs of growth as the demand for new houses rises alongside dropping mortgage rates. According to the National Association of Home Builders, sentiment among builders has increased for the first time in a year, with reports of increases in sales, traffic, and expectations for sales over the next six months. This surge in confidence and activity is influenced mainly by low interest rates, which is driving more homebuyers into the market.

According to Zillow, the number of new homes currently under construction has risen 50% since February 2020. And newly complete homes are showing up on the market quickly, meaning there’s plenty for homebuyers to choose from. Our team will help you expertly work with builders to find special offers and incentives to get you into one of those gorgeous new homes!

Hop Into the Spring Market With Us

Are you ready for the 2023 spring real estate market? We are! There’s so much to consider, from mortgage rates to inventory and new construction homes. Buyers and sellers alike are eager to get things in full swing, so contact our team now so we can start building your ideal real estate strategy and take action. Spring is just around the corner—reach out today!

Get ready to sell by increasing your curb appeal.

Forecast: What’s Ahead in the 2023 Real Estate Market

Key Takeaways:

  • There’s goods news on the horizon in 2023 for home buyers and sellers
  • Look for shifts when it comes to home prices, inventory, and interest rates
  • Make a smart move by contacting us today to plan and strategize!

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in an era of unprecedented milestones in the housing market. From the lowest interest rates in history to record amounts of equity, the last few years in the real estate market were anything but ordinary. As economies work on finding a middle ground, homebuyers and sellers can look forward to a much more familiar market in 2023. Let’s take a look at what we expect to see this year, so you can start thinking ahead to make your move.

Expect a bright spring for the national real estate market

Coin stack on international banknotes with house and construction crane models on the table.

The current inflationary pressures should ease by the spring of 2023. The sellers market will start to wane as slight price adjustments and an increase in inventory bring balance. Supply chain issues caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic are easing and will continue to improve throughout the year. Finally, the overall sentiment of the housing market will improve as we move away from comparisons that distort decades of housing market data.

What homebuyers can expect from this year’s market

Happy millennial couple receiving keys from realtor, purchasing real estate

As the market continues to balance, there will be an increase in the number of homes available for sale. Estimates suggest around 23% more inventory. Younger generations are planning to enter the housing market—many for the first time. A recent survey indicated that 79% of Millennials and 84% of Gen Z plan to buy a house in the next few years. Interest rates are forecast to come down nearly two percentage points. They should move down from the recent high of 7.12% to a more standard 5.25% by the end of this year, according to Bankrate. This will help fuel movement among homebuyers, who are also enjoying a strong job market. Despite high-profile layoffs primarily in the tech sector, the overall unemployment rate is expected to stay at a low 3.6%.

What homesellers can expect from this year’s market

Home agent shake hand with customer after sign contract and finishes deal purchase house success

The Fannie Mae Home Price Index (FNM-HPI) expects home prices to decline this year—by a modest 1.5%. While a “decline” can sound disappointing, since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the median home listing price is up 27%. This adds more than $9 trillion to the total value of the US housing market. Despite the recent dip in home values, homeowners that purchased before February 2020 are still better off. They are up an average of $92,000 in equity, according to real estate experts Black Knight. This provides sellers with some flexibility in the listing price, allowing for a faster sale if you’re willing to price your home competitively. It’s important to keep the last several years in perspective in order to maximize those returns and put your investment to work for you.

Talk With Us About Your Real Estate Goals

While the real estate market is always in shift, ultimately, buying or selling a home is more about what’s right for your lifestyle each year. And with a more egalitarian market expected in 2023, both homebuyers and sellers can expect to make beneficial deals. The best way to get started is to contact us. Our team has experienced countless shifts in the market, and we’re backed by the latest data in your local area to help you find your dream home!

Should you wait for spring to sell?